We have a body. We know we do. But how aware are we of it, day to day, moment to moment? If we happen to be a dancer, a yogi, an actor or an athlete we may be naturally more attuned to our bodily sensations during the day. Back in the day before I had children, when I used to practice three hours of yoga a day, it was easy to feel what was happening physically and what I needed to do to adjust my body. Align my shoulders, strengthen a core muscle group or be less forceful with my in-breath, whatever the physical issue was, I was more aware of it. Whenever we train or focus on something systematically we naturally become more attuned to it. It’s like learning a language or an instrument. We know that neurons that fire together wire together. We know that our brain has plasticity and can change. However it takes effort. Especially if we’re out practice.